By sites
October 10, 2024
A pen and some paper can make a huge difference in your life. To experience all the hurt or all the joy from life unlocks something magical. Sparks the fire that can cause a person to be on fire for a purpose. To find that cause to support. All from a pen and some paper. What does the story of you today tell? That story is not the same one that pen and paper would have told five, six or maybe even ten years ago. As the words flow from each drop of ink like a uncontrollable vomit from the latest stomach bug. You suddenly realize you are laughing, crying and might even have a headache. Before you noticed you have filled five pages with words. Words that tell about you. The way you thought and how you think at this very moment. Capturing the painful moments and joyful memories. That is when you understand why someone suggested for you to journal. This is when you see that suggestions of others are not that bad after all. Through the laughing and snotty nose of crying the soul within you feels a little lighter.